Wednesday, December 19, 2012

That Blue Gives Happiness

This is the beginning, the beginning of everything. I do not know what this is,
Such small scratches on my face that looked happy since that day,
I kept my heart yell, IT IMPOSSIBLE !
but the shout of my heart beat, yeah, win my heart and my passion really win !
I can not refute, every time I wanted to escape, the magnet is constantly draw me.
what's with this feeling? how is this
and the day, the blue was enlightening me, pulled, and I dissolved !
  i just love the last photo, that's from Husni, although everybody say's that editting is over but i love the innocent smile on my face 

Photography by Frendly-Fadly & US photograph- Husni
Outfit Tan Leather Jacket / mocca pants  / Cambridge Tosca vintage-styled bag  /  Arnish Tribal veil /  Asu Jewelry necklace & Ring - Vintage jewelry/ Vintage Glasses from My Dad / Adorable shoes
I started to love you